It's me...It's me!!!!

It's me...It's me!!!!

Goofy Miss Lydia

Goofy Miss Lydia
She gets her silliness from me!

Little Miss Lucy

Little Miss Lucy
Totally has my cheeks!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Another Nail in the Coffin

No, I am not being morbid about my possible future with RSD. I am talking about my actual nails. They feel like they are dying off, literally. They grow with the speed of light and fall of and break even faster. It's not just my finger nails either, it's my toes too. They are rigid, peel, crack, and are becoming very painful. They grow so fast that I am getting in-grown nails in my fingers and toes. And because they are constantly breaking off in peices, I've resorted to becoming a nail biter (fingers, not I know I am gross now, but not that gross, lol! So one day my nails will be bitten down to the nubs and within a couple of days I have white tips again...blessing in disguise if you ask me! I've been told this is happening because RSD, which directly affects your central nervous system, quickly spreads to your other systems, and what it's really starting to effect is my circulatory system. So that's why my nails are so bad now. But I am a bit nervous because if it can cause this with in 3 months how fast is it going to effect my other systems. It atrophies your muscular system and skeletal systems as well. Hopefully the treatments will be able to hold that off just a little longer. The dr. said it's already in every facet of my body but to varying degrees. My skin, hair, and nails are the first to go....hopefully this bastard will leave my bones alone for awhile. My muscles are already very much affected as they are constantly spasming, and whatever system your joints are associated with is starting to fail me as well. I guess if it's going to start taking my beauty away I can get used to that. I can fake it till I make it. Ha! I went to beauty school, I know how to create the look of volume in hair, cover up bald patches, work with red and cracked skin. But how do you makeover your insides? I can't add a deep conditioning treatment to my bones to strengthen them, I can't put lotion on my muscles to retain their elasticity, and I can't do a rejuvinating treatment to my blood and nerves to get them to flow right. So I guess, I will do what I am famous for and that is try to make my outside perfect so no one can see the damage on my inside. At least I have many years of practice! Ha Ha!! But my heart won't be touched by this disease which to me is my most prized possesion. It's large and strong, it takes an amazing amount of care. But I have the best medication for it. My wonderful family, my amazing friends, and my gracious Lord. They are the best protection from this disease, they help it stay open and functioning properly. And because of them while I am here on this earth my heart will remain strong and full of love all the days of my life...everlasting.
Love and Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I heard a little Titanic music at the end. LOL! I love you, sweetie!
