It's me...It's me!!!!

It's me...It's me!!!!

Goofy Miss Lydia

Goofy Miss Lydia
She gets her silliness from me!

Little Miss Lucy

Little Miss Lucy
Totally has my cheeks!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who knew the miracle worker here...could be me?

This week has been a very weird week. It started earlier in the week when I glanced over to my dresser and noticed probably 10 or 15 pill bottles. Just tons and tons of pills, most for pain, some for depression, anxiety, muscles spasms, inflammation, vitamins, etc. And then I thought about everything that the dr.s have been saying lately and then I thought...that's it...I'm done. I am not going to do this anymore.

Now this part may seem quite controversial to some of you, but this blog is about brutal honesty so here I go. I took inventory of my meds and then immediately stopped taking them. I thought, no all of these meds can't be good. All of the side effects, the long term effects, addiction prospects, no. I will not live this way anymore. So from monday night until I think it was wednesday I made it without a pain pill. But the weird thing was except for pain I felt pretty decent. I had some nausea which caused some vomiting. But hardly any bone pain, joint pain, muscle aches. Just nerves...lots and lots of zapping. Then on Friday a thunderstorm hit. And all of a sudden the pain was so overwhelming and the electricity of nerve pain in my body was so overwhelming all I could do was ball and ball and ball. My mom talked me through the worst of it and just kept comforting me and telling me to stay strong, it's best not to be on all the meds. She kept telling me she was so proud of me and I didn't understand. But she explained that I was taking over my destiny, my body, my health. All of a sudden I was pretty proud too.
Then this morning (Saturday) came, I finally slept last night after 2 nights of no sleep at all. But I woke up with an overwhelming zapping feeling through my arms, hands, face, and mouth. I tried to stay strong most of the morning. But eventually I called the dr. I didn't want to because I knew they wouldn't support my going cold turkey off the meds. They explained about withdrawl symptoms and they thought that was what was going on.
So here's the thing with how I was feeling this morning. Not a lot of pain, no nausea, alert, just zapping. The dr. convinced me to take a dose of my cymbalta to start weaning off the appropriate way. So I sadly agreed, but I was scared of what would happen if I didn't.
Within about an hour the zapping stopped, but....with that, the feeling of "RSD" rushed over my body. The pain, the nausea, the hot/cold flashes, the color changes, sensitivity of touch, etc.
I decided to call a pharmacist and talked to her about reactions to cymbalta vs. symptoms of RSD. And she said it's the same.
I am trying so hard not to get my hopes up, but I am praying that this may be the answer to my prayers. Could this be a drug reaction?

All I know is that I am almost on the path to find out. The pain center is sending me to Mayo for a complete investigation. I am nervous and excited all in the same. Dr. Hess is writing a letter for me to go down there, thank God!!!


  1. I am so sorry that I was MIA during all of this! Sounds like a crazy week! They better give us some answers at Mayo or heads are gonna roll!

  2. Oh sweetie you have been up close and personal through all of this with me thus far, you deserved a vacation! You are the best my dear! I love you and I know I couldn't have gotten this far through this with out you :) I love you so much hun!!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart...THANK YOU!
